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About Us

Nidhi Gupta is a wonderful life coach and trainer. She is globally certified heal your life teacher from heart inspire foundation USA. She is expert in law of attraction as she is a licensed law of Attraction teacher as well as a licensed law of attraction life coach.

She is also a Reiki practitioner As well as her area of expertise is a Hawaiian technique known as Ho’oponopono.

She conducts workshops based on the philosophy of Louise Hay which is based on The best selling book you can heal your life.


Thanks Nidhi for the beautiful Journey i did with you. making me awae of facts and to walk on path.

Bindu finance expert

I think meditation has made me able to explore my own potential, to follow my own path and to be more conscious of others as I do so.

Disha a home maker

“Thank you for rewiring the old me you don’t know how much happy person you have made me. I feel like the real me the old me and she was a beautiful soul lost somewhere in the process of life but now i feel beautiful inside and more powerful bcz the experiences i had in life and now coming closer to my real self. i feel like myself.”

Prerna Entrepreneur


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